Javascript Project
Hangman Browser Game
This was a web development group project where I mainly handled creating game logic for the app to grab words and matching description strings from hardcoded arrays and then check if users could guess letters from those random words. On a correct guess the matching letters in the blank word at the top are filled in, and on an incorrect guess the letter guessed is added to an HTML element at the bottom and the hangman image is updated to show another part filled in. The game ends once either the hangman or the secret word are completely filled in, whichever comes first. The player can also click buttons to display a hint description of the word as a clue, or to cheat and display the whole word so they can just enter those letters and win quickly.
The app's main game screen, instructions on how to play are shown off to the side.
Upon winning an alert window informs you of your victory.
Or upon losing you get this alert instead letting you know you have lost.
Here is some of the core logic of starting a game, it sets all the part graphics to be invisible, sets all the letters of the hidden word to '-' characters to show that it is a six letter word, initializes all game variables, and then selects a random word from the arrays to be used for this round of the game. Since the arrays have words and matching description strings in the same order, matching values can be pulled here by using the random number generated to grab the value at that index from both arrays.
In this function, the letter entered by the player is converted to upper case since all the hidden words are in all upper case and then compared against each of the letters of the hidden word. If there is a match then the gameWin condition is advanced for each match, if the guessed letter does not match a given letter of the hidden word a counter in incremented. If the counter reaches 6 that means none of the letters in the hidden word matched whatever the user guessed, so the hangman graphic is updated instead and the incorrect letter is added to the HTML element displaying all incorrectly guessed letters to remind the player of which letters they have already tried and the gameLose condition is advanced.
These are my hardcoded arrays of 100 six-letter words and matching brief, vague descriptions for the game to pull from to show that this data was hardcoded for this project.