IT Skills Portfolio

A selection of project examples to demonstrate the IT programming skills learned at NSCC - COGS by Justin Sumrall.

Who I Am

My name is Justin Sumrall, I come from the town of Houma in coastal southern Louisiana. I decided I wanted to broaden my horizons so I saved up and moved away in search of new opportunities. I'm a newcomer to Nova Scotia, and Canada in general, but I'm eager to leverage my education with NSCC to carve out a new life for myself here in the Maritimes.

Source code and documentation (when applicable) for each project available
for download from my GitHub if closer examination is desired.

December 5, 2020

SpaceShooters Game

A keyboard-controlled python game where the user controls a ship and must shoot down all enemy ships while avoiding their bullets.

December 10, 2021

Block & Key Game

A 2D-platforming Java game where players must collect a key and reach a door while avoiding enemies and obstacles to progress through five levels.

December 5, 2021

Spring Data
Postman API

A Spring Boot database API where users can perform CRUD operations with JSON-format data records by using HTTP requests.

November 26, 2020

Hangman Game

For a web dev group project I created a javascript file for handling the game logic and other related functions for a Hangman browser game.